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Mama Love
A CA Native from Nevada City.
The Bay Area has been home for 16 years.
Living My Life As A Work of Art.
I have Played with a Myriad of Mediums.
Multi-Medium Art Installations, Multi-Facetted Performances, Custom Costume Designs, Painting, Creating Chillicous Sanctuaries, Delicious Delicacies & More. 




I have spent the majority of my life helping other people.

I have experienced the depths of my shadow & the lowest of lows.

I have also experienced the highest of highs & feeling transformed.

 After attending my 1st Burn in 2004. My life was forever changed.

It has been a journey of transition ever since.


I Love Inspiring Children & Adults alike.

I spent 4 years working with people with brain injuries.

Until April Fools Day  2011.

When my life was forever changed once again.

I was attacked by a beloved client.

The subsequent injuries & conditions resulted in my being permanently differently-abled.

Despite being in extreme pain 24-7 for the past 6 years.


I Have Done My Best to Thrive & Be Positive.

To Discover, what I can still Create & Share with the World.

It has Presented a Special Opportunity.

To Share this Gift of Love, Creating Art & Inspiration with Others. 

Lighting Up The Darkness One Being At A Time.



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